What you need to know about the State of Emergency in Portugal
Given the number of expats living in Portugal in the present day, I noticed that there was a lack of information translated to English to help you all to understand better what is going on, what you are allowed and not allowed to do. I hope it helps! I also post the Map of Portugal showing the High-risk Municipalities where these measures are enforced.
This is what you kneed to know about the State of Emergency set for Portugal from the 9th of November 2020. I hope this text helps you to understand what you can and can’t do in the municipalities where the measure is in effect. Firstly, have a look at the map of the 121 municipalities showing the location of some relevant Cities and towns.
Thus, as regards freedom of movement, there is a prohibition on movement – in the municipalities determined at high risk – in spaces and public roads daily between 23:00 and 05:00, as well as on Saturdays and Sundays between 13:00 and 05:00, except for urgent and undeferred travel in accordance with this Decree. The circulation on public road on public road is not allowed, except in 13 cases, which the Government published Sunday, the 7th in Decree No. 8/2020.
The exceptions:
a) travel for the performance of professional or equivalent functions, with a proving statement or declaration:
1) issued by the employer or equivalent;
2) issued by the self-employed person himself, individual entrepreneurs or members of a statutory body;
3) honour commitment, in the case of agricultural, livestock and fisheries workers;
b) travel in the exercise of or because of professional duties, without the need for a declaration issued by or similarly treated by the employer:
1) Health professionals and other workers of health and social support institutions;
2) civil protection agents, security forces and services, military, militarized and civilian personnel of the Armed Forces and inspectors of the Food and Economic Security Authority;
3) Holders of the organs of sovereignty, leaders of the social partners and political parties represented in the Assembly of the Republic and persons carrying free movement issued in legal terms;
4) Ministers of worship, by accreditation by the competent bodies of their church or religious community, pursuant to Article 15(2) of Law No. 16/2001 of 22 June, in its current wording;
5) staff of diplomatic, consular and international organisations located in Portugal, provided that they are related to the performance of official functions;
c) travel for health reasons, in particular for the purchase of products in pharmacies or obtaining health care and transport of persons to whom such care is to be administered;
d) travel to grocery stores and supermarkets and other food and hygiene establishments for persons and animals;
e) emergency care trips for victims of domestic violence or trafficking in human beings, as well as children and young people at risk, by application of a measure enacted by a judicial authority or the Commission for the Protection of Children and Young People, in a residential or family care home;
f) travel for the care of vulnerable persons, persons with disabilities, children, parents, the elderly or dependents;
g) travel for other mandatory family reasons, such as the fulfilment of parental liability sharing, as determined by agreement between the holders of the same or by the competent court;
h) the movement of veterinarians, animal keepers for urgent veterinary care, zookeepers of colonies recognised by municipalities, volunteers from zoophilic associations with animals in need of animal shelters and animal rescue teams for urgent assistance;
i) travel necessary for the exercise of freedom of the press;
j) short-term pedestrian movements, for the purpose of enjoying moments outdoors, unaccompanied or in the company of members of the same household who cohabit;
k) short-term pedestrian movements for the purpose of walking pet animals;
l) for other reasons of force-greater force or necessity, provided that it is shown to be indeferred and duly justified;
m) return to the personal home in connection with the movements referred to in the preceding paragraphs and the movements and activities referred to in Article 28 of Resolution of the Council of Ministers No 92 -A/2020 of 2 November.
The Government also explained that, except for the effects of short-term pedestrian movements, “the movement of private vehicles on public road, including refuelling at fuel stations, is permitted in the context of the situations referred to in the preceding paragraph”.
In establishments where food and hygiene products are sold for people and animals, other products available there can also be purchased, he said.
“Movements allowed in accordance with the preceding figures should be made preferably unaccompanied and must comply with the recommendations and orders determined by health authorities and security forces and services, in particular those relating to the distances to be observed between persons,” the decree added.
Please share this text with your expat friends. If you have questions please post them here. I hope I’m able to help.
Hello, we arrive on a Sat from overseas at 13:00 and need to transfer into Lisbon to our hotel. Will this be allowed?
Sorry for not replying sooner. But I will still post this answer for those reading this now.
The answer is: yes you can. It is one of the reasons for moving around.